About Time To Heal

Create the Best Version of Yourself

I understand that reaching out for help is difficult, but you don’t have to deal with problems by yourself. As a therapist with three decades of specialist experience, I give you the safe, friendly, confidential space you need to explore your issues and start your path to recovery. You might have a particular problem, such as sleep deprivation or smoking, that is stopping you from getting the most out of life. Through a mixture of psychotherapy, hypnotherapy and mindfulness, I learn about your situation and come up with a treatment plan that goes to the root of that issue and allows you to live a happier, more fulfilled life.

If you are going through a dark time, give me a WhatsApp or email me at any time, and I will get back to you to arrange your first session of psychotherapy and hypnotherapy in Central London and online.

My Approach

My way of working has been shaped by my own life story, during which I have experienced a wide range of disciplines over the course of 30 years and incorporated them into my work with clients. I always use a combination of psychotherapy and hypnotherapy, combined with different mindfulness techniques, to help people see themselves at a deeper level, identify what lies behind their issues, and embrace their inner capacity to change for the better. After a few sessions, you will have a powerful toolkit that can be used whenever difficulties arise in the future.


Anxiety is something we actively hold in our body, preventing us from living life to the fullest. It can be especially hard reaching out when you feel permanently anxious, but remember: you don’t have to deal with it on your own! My psychotherapy and hypnotherapy on Zoom is a safe, specialist place where we will help you relax and see your anxiety in a more focused, understanding light, leading to greater emotional/physical control and less self-consciousness.

PTSD & Panic Attacks

Just like anxiety, PTSD and panic attacks stem from trauma held in the body, which becomes triggered by certain external events. We will work together to engage with these triggers through psychotherapy and hypnotherapy, bringing you to a point where the previously painful memories no longer have the same influence on your emotional wellbeing going forward.

Chronic Fatigue

Generally, people with chronic fatigue are either prescribed exercise or rest, which doesn’t tackle the problem at heart. With me, we will engage with your unconscious mind to remove or adjust any patterns of thought and/or behaviour that may be contributing to your issue. By directly dealing with this internal conflict, your mind will feel clearer, allowing energy to return to the body.


Self-harm takes the form of eating disorders, cutting, experimenting with drugs, or suicidal thoughts. It can be extremely difficult to talk about these issues with parents or loved ones, and I give you a safe and secure environment to confide, feel listened to, and make the small steps towards changing and seeing yourself in a more compassionate, understanding light.


My combination of psychotherapy and hypnotherapy aims to break the cycle of unhealthy, thoughts that have built up over time. When it comes to co-dependency, we will work to reconnect you with your true uniqueness as a human being, building an understanding of yourself independently of the relationship with your partner. This leads to a healthier dynamic between the two of you and helps you feel so much better in yourself.

Exercise Enhancement & Nutritional Changes

As a holistic therapist, I work with you to change your feelings, thoughts, and behaviours as a whole. And so, along with helping you freely discuss issues affecting your mental health and forming new, healthier perspectives during sessions, I can also provide a number of exercise enhancement and nutritional changes that you can use outside of our time together to ensure you remain in a good place throughout the week.


Over the years, I have worked with many people to successfully overcome their phobias. If you have a fear of packed trains, for example, or crowded spaces in general, our hypnotherapy sessions will involve me putting you in a deeply relaxed state and creating a story revolving around this fear. In a safe, supportive environment, you will have the chance to process challenging situations in a healthy way and feel less affected by it in the future.

Adolescent Issues & Personal Growth

Making that transition from childhood to adulthood is not easy. So much changes in such a short space of time, and it can be very helpful to have a friendly, trustworthy guide to help you along the way. You might be experiencing stress and anxiety, bullying, family issues, low self-esteem, body dysmorphia, eating disorders, issues around sexuality and/or identity, or relationship problems. Whatever your problems are, I give you a dedicated space to work through them.

For further information on how I can help with the above issues, or any other problem you are dealing with, feel free to give me a text or call at any time.

Get in touch

Contact me if you would like to have a chat about any of the services I offer, or to ask about booking an appointment. Alternatively, you can call me on +44 74 9517 2380.

©2021 Anna Lindon

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